Design of a company website
Die Grünenfelder Bau GmbH ist ein Bauunternehmen im Thurgau, das sich auf Dachdeckungen und Hochbauten spezialisiert hat. Durch ihre langjährige Erfahrung wenden sich viele Bauherren an sie, für ihre Qualitätsarbeit und guten Materialien, um nachhaltige und moderne Häuser zu bauen.
Grünenfelder Bau GmbH wants a website to market their company online and offer their services to potential customers. It should be easy to use and customers should then know three things about them: who they are, what they do and how to reach them.
Grünenfelder Bau GmbH
Web Design
Final Output
Company Website, Content Writing, Logo Design
The owner gave us a free hand with the design. This trust encouraged us to create a website that is easy to understand and contains everything a company website needs. We carried out thorough market research to ensure that the content we captured matched the industry. With the good SEO work, the company is easy to find in the region, which is exactly what they wanted.